Friday, 23 January 2009

Grazing and long forgotten resolutions

New Years resolutions are hard to keep and coming towards the end of January many of us are already lamenting broken resolutions for yet another year. But at least when it comes to eating more healthily I've found a new company, Graze, that makes it easier to snack on healthy food than it is to snack on chocolate and crisps and all the usual.

We've all heard that grazing is healthier than having 3 square meals a day. And we all know that 4 o'clock feeling where your energy levels have hit rock bottom and you just have to have something to nibble on. But finding healthy snacks, and choosing them over the more readily available snack food, is not always easy.

Problem solved! Graze deliver a box of fresh healthy foods to nibble on to your door (or desk) whenever you want it. Their selection is brilliant, loads of tasty nuts, dried and fresh fruits, seeds, olives and really interesting mixes of all of the above. Plus you can tell them what you like and don't like so you're always bound to love the snacks they send.

And I love the packaging it's just gorgeous. The snacks arrive in a simple brown cardboard box that fits through any letter box. Open it and you have three little parcels of goodness waiting for you, all individually packed (in biodegradable packages of course) so you can eat them straight away or keep them until you want them. And underneath each box there is an image of freshly mown grass just to remind you that everything you're eating is fresh, healthy and 100% real, nothing artificial about it. Another nice touch just to make you feel extra healthy and good about your choice, the Graze nutrition team include a little summary of the nutritional value of all your tasty snacks so you can feel really virtuous.

Simple and brilliantly done, plus as an introductory offer they're offering the first box for free and the second half price. I tried it and I'm hooked. Try it for yourself.

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